Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: 33% of Brazilians have Internet access at home

Brazil is currently ranked 63rd in the world ranking of 154 countries. In Sweden, 97% of households have Internet access […]

Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Active Internet users grew 14% year-on-year

The number of active Internet users in Brazil in September 2011 was 46,300,000, an increase of 14% over the same month last year. With the new number, Brazil beats Germany, France and the UK in number of active users at home or at work. The Brazil ranks third in the list of countries that monitor the internet using the same methodology […]

China Consumer Behavior

Gaming in China: 55.5 million Chinese play online games

China’s online game market has expanded noticeably. To date the number of online gamers in China has reached 55.5 million, a recent report said. Statistics show that, of the total number of online gamers, those under the age of 22 accounted for 52.5 percent, gamers with education backgrounds of junior college level and below made up 77.1 percent, those with no income accounted for 30 percent. Gamers in the group with an income are mainly concentrated at the income level of 1,001 to 2,000 yuan […]


Gaming in China: More chaperones in China’s Internet cafes

Young Chinese gamers won’t have to worry about Fel Orcs, Forest Trolls, and Warp Stalkers when playing the Burning Crusade, so much as they will the newly appointed security guards patrolling the aisles at their local Internet cafe. It’s campaign time again in China, and from July 1 through the end of September, the Chinese Ministry of Culture will be stepping up efforts to keep minors out of the nation’s cyber cafes. In Beijing alone, 107 additional security guards, as well as newly trained middle school teachers will be supervising 71 such hangouts.

China Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: Over 100 Million Youth Seek Fun Online

On April 25th, 2008, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the Research Report of China Youth Internet Behaviors. The report studies the online behaviors of 107 million China’s netizens under the age of 25. According to the report, China’s youth netizens are more inclined to entertainment demand. The most used online serves for youth are IM(91.3%), online music(91.1%), online movie/video(82.9%), search engine(73.4%), online games(68.2%), online news(63.4%) and email(58%). If compared with the average usage level of all Internet users, the usage rate of online games, online music and online movie/video among youth are much higher than average rate […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: What Do Chinese Internet Users Do Online?

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) just released its latest semi-year report on development of Internet in China. According to the report, by the end of 2007, the number of Chinese Internet users has reached 210 million, an increase of 48 million compared to the first semester, or 73 million in last year. Among these 73 million new Internet users, 29.17 million, or about 40%, come from rural area. About 50.4 million users use mobile handsets to access Internet, just adding 6 million new mobile Internet users in last six months […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

China’s 2007 online ad market may exceed 1.3 Billion US Dollars

China’s online advertising market is likely to exceed ten billion yuan (1.3 billion U.S. dollars) this year, a research report said. The figure represents a 114.6 percent increase from the 4.66 billion yuan of last year. In October, the nation’s online advertising revenues hit 870 million yuan, lifting the market size to 7.5 billion yuan in the first ten months, according to the report from Nielsen, a leading global information and media company. The growth rate of China’s online advertising, one of the most successful business models for Internet firms, was higher than that of broadcasting advertising and magazine advertising…

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: online gamers are mostly students

Students make up the biggest group of online game players in China, followed by IT and media industry workers, according to a survey released recently, Beijing Business Today reported. The survey, jointly conducted by, a Chinese online game Website, and iResearch Consulting Group, said almost 60 percent of gamers were in their 20s and 95 percent were below 35 years old.

High school graduates accounted for 35 percent of Chinese gamers, the report said. One-third of the respondents have a college education and 23 percent a university diploma. Forty-five percent of the gamers were female, who favored to join in the games with the identification of opposite sex…

China Economics Information Technology Software Trend Watching

Internet in China: Online Gaming & “Gold Farming”

More that 20 million Chinese play online games, and the e-commerce revenue have grown 50% in relation to last year’s numbers.