
Watch Randy Pausch’s “Really achieving your childhood dreams” talk at TED

In 2007, Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch, who was dying of pancreatic cancer, delivered a one-of-a-kind last lecture that made the world stop and pay attention. This moving talk will teach you how to really achieve your childhood dreams. Unmissable […]

China Design Readings Trend Watching

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “Metaphor Brainstorming” Workshop with Chauncey Wilson: JANUARY 21ST, 2010, 6:30PM

Metaphor brainstorming is most useful during the early stages of design for developing conceptual models, generating requirements, and early user interface design where you are specifying the relationship between features and specific user interface metaphors. In this workshop, Chauncey Wilson will:

1. Describe the metaphor brainstorming process;
2. Explain how take the output and convert that into requirements and design concepts;

Design Information Technology Software

Listen to Fred Beecher’s “Integrating Effective Prototyping into Your Design Process” talk at IA Summit 2009

Senior User Experience Consultant Fred Beecher shows his audience how to determine what, for your particular situation, is the most effective way to use prototyping to improve the user experience of your site or software […]

Design Economics Software Trend Watching

Autodesk Expands Online Guide To Sustainable Design For Green Building Retrofits

Autodesk has announced the availability of major updates for the Autodesk Guide to Sustainable Design for Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Launched earlier this year at the American Institute of Architects conference, the free online guide helps architecture, engineering and construction professionals make better informed decisions to achieve building performance goals […]

Design Innovation Software Trend Watching

Watch David Merrill’s “Natural Interactions with Digital Content” Seminar on People, Computers, and Design at Stanford University

In this talk, David Merrill gives us an overview of his research on a number of novel platforms for accessing and manipulating digital content. These systems use expressive gesture and visual attention as inputs, explore multi-user interaction, and leverage our understanding of physical materials. I will focus on my most ambitious project and Ph.D. topic, Siftables, a tangible interaction platform that gives physical embodiment to information and digital media items. The system utilizes sensing, graphical display, embedded computation and wireless communication to free interactions with digital content from the desktop environment. Siftables points the way toward a new generation of interactive tools that bend to our needs, rather than bending us to meet their limitations.

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Watch Johnny Lee’s “Wii Remote hacks” demos at TED

Building sophisticated educational tools out of cheap parts, Johnny Lee demos his cool Wii Remote hacks, which turn the $40 video game controller into a digital whiteboard, a touchscreen and a head-mounted 3-D viewer […]

Design Innovation Software Trend Watching

Watch Ben Shneiderman’s “Science 2.0: The Design Science of Collaboration” Seminar on People, Computers, and Design at Stanford University

Advancing Science 2.0 will require a shift in priorities to promote intense collaboration, integrative thinking, teamwork-based education/training, and case study ethnographic research methods. Science 2.0 will reduce the gulf between basic and applied research, while bringing theory and practice closer together. This talk lays out an ambitious vision that will impact research funding, educational practices, and democratic principles […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Watch Jason Beres’ “Building Better User Interfaces” talk at DevDays 2009 The Netherlands

A great user experience starts with the user interface. In this talk, Jason Beres explores best practices in user interface design in a learn-by-example approach of the good, bad and the ugly in user interface design. From web sites to rich client, you will learn how areas such as navigation, layout, typography, controls and dialogs can make or break the usefulness of an application […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Alvin Woon’s “The future of social app interface design” talk at the Future of Web Apps

Alvin Woon is the UI lead for Plurk, a social network with a focus on short messages. His primary work is focused on designing user interface and leading aspects of usability research. Watch Alvin Woon’s ‘The future of social app interface design‘ at the Future of Web Apps London 2008

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

“User Interface Design in an Agile Environment”: Jeff White and Jim Unger’s talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘08 Conference

In their talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘08 Conference, they describe their experience with the merger of user centered design into agile (team) development practice as manifest in a one day design studio […]