Design Software

Watch “Flying Cars, UX Research, Attitude, and Behavior” Talk by Tomer Sharon

This class defines what UX research is and how it can help startup founders, and reviews a key concept that makes or breaks any UX research study – the relationship between users’ attitude and behavior […]

Design Readings Software

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “Four Mobile Machines” with Aaron Marcus: SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2012, 7:30PM

Mr. Marcus reviews briskly four projects that are conceptual designs for new kinds of mobile applications (smartphone and tablet with associated Web portals) that combine the theories of information design and persuasion design to change people’s behavior […]

Innovation Readings Software

Autodesk China presents: World Usability Day 2011

World Usability Day was founded in 2005 as an initiative of the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) to ensure that services and products important to human life are easier to access and simpler to use. Each year, on the second Thursday of November, over 200 events are organized in over 43 countries around the world to raise awareness for the general public, and train professionals in the tools and issues central to good usability research, development and practice […]

China Design Innovation Readings Trend Watching

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “An evening of conversation about Design, Interaction, Work and Life” with Marc Rettig: May 25th, 2010, 6:30PM

In the midst of a global conversation about change, many designers are pondering their own impact in the world. How does our experience in software interfaces, web sites, and physical products prepare us to address the profound issues humanity is facing? These issues involve many complex systems, systems too big to fit into the scope of any single company or institution. Design methods are potent at large scale and scope, but what does it take to be effective as a practitioner, as a team, as a company? What is it like to actually achieve a meaningful, sustainable, positive difference in life? In this evening of conversation, Marc Rettig will moderate a few discussions about the fundamentals of design work, and the need for designers everywhere to be working to have impact beyond making money for their employers […]

China Design Readings Trend Watching

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “Metaphor Brainstorming” Workshop with Chauncey Wilson: JANUARY 21ST, 2010, 6:30PM

Metaphor brainstorming is most useful during the early stages of design for developing conceptual models, generating requirements, and early user interface design where you are specifying the relationship between features and specific user interface metaphors. In this workshop, Chauncey Wilson will:

1. Describe the metaphor brainstorming process;
2. Explain how take the output and convert that into requirements and design concepts;

China Design

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “Selling UX in Organizations” with Daniel Szuc: DECEMBER 11th, 2009, 6:30PM

At some point in your career, you’ll be called upon to sell UX to someone in your organization. You’ve probably already done it. Perhaps you’ll need to justify what you do in an organization or industry that’s just beginning to adopt UX methods or sell UX to secure your position within an organization or get future projects. So, what do you need to know to help you sell UX? What challenges might you face?


Watch Charlie Kreitzberg’s “Surviving a Design Review” talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘09 conference

You’ve worked hard on a design and finally got it nailed. You’ve thought deeply about the user experience and designed for usability and great information presentation. The visual design is compelling. Enjoy it while you can because you’ve been asked to hold a design review. Your creative and well thought-out design is about to be transformed into a into a patchwork quilt as stakeholders argue for changes based on their off-the-cuff reactions and personal agendas […]