
Watch “The Five Dysfunctions of Democratising Research” with Leisa Reichelt

So, you want to scale research in your organisation? In this talk at IxDA’s Interaction’20, Leisa discusses how the 5 dysfunctions of democratising research come into being, what risks they pose and what we can do to overcome them.

Economics Trend Watching

Economy in Brazil: the 5th most expensive Big Mac in the world

Brazil has the fifth most expensive Big Mac in the world, costing $ 5.25. The  McDonald’ snack is used as an index for the British magazine The Economist since 1986, to show the purchasing power of the currencies of the countries surveyed, according to the last calculation released recently. The Big Mac index suggests that […]

Innovation Readings

Watch Michael Norton’s “How to buy happiness” talk at TED

At TEDxCambridge, Michael Norton shares fascinating research on how money can, indeed buy happiness — when you don’t spend it on yourself. Listen for surprising data on the many ways pro-social spending can benefit you, your work, and (of course) other people […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Half of the population is included in the digital world, says survey

More than half of the population is included in the digital world, according to a survey of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, which puts Brazil near the world average […]

Design Economics Information Technology Innovation Trend Watching

Watch “What we’ve Learned from 5 million Books” talk at TED by Erez Lieberman Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel

Have you played with Google Labs’ NGram Viewer? It’s an addicting tool that lets you search for words and ideas in a database of 5 million books from across centuries. Erez Lieberman Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel show us how it works, and a few of the surprising things we can learn from 500 billion words […]

Design Information Technology Software

Watch Peter Morville’s “The Future of Search” talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘10 Conference

In this talk, Peter Morvile defines a pattern language for search that embraces user psychology and behavior, multisensory interaction, and emerging technology […]

China Innovation

China, Technology, Innovation and the Environment: The Economist Chinese on the “eco-city” Dongtan

The Economist gives an update on the supposed eco-city Dongtan, being built on an island outside Shanghai. After the downfall of corrupt former Shanghai party chief Chen Liangyu, one of the main backers of the project, construction has largely stalled […]

China Consumer Behavior

Advertising in China: Don’t Just Talk At Me, Talk With Me

“Don’t just talk at me, talk with me”. It is one of the 8 new rules for success in China’s changing branding environment summarized by marketing firms Landor Associates and Cohn & Wolfe, as outcome of the conference of Fifth China Branding Roundtable by the Economist Conferences. They interviewed many speakers and experts on the […]