Design Innovation

Watch Luke Wroblewski’s “Infinite Inputs” talk

Today, the kinds of input our computing devices support keeps growing: touch, voice, device motion, and much more. Each additional input type offers new possibilities for interaction that requires our interface designs to adapt. When will this deluge of new input types end so don’t have to keep re-designing our software? Luke Wroblewski’s — speaking at dConstruct 2013: — claims it won’t. Not until everything is input […]

Design Innovation Readings

Watch Jay Silver turn anything into a keyboard

Jay Silver, inventor of MaKey MaKey, shows CNN Ideas how to use anything to interact with computers and why that is valuable […]

China Design Innovation Readings Trend Watching

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “An evening of conversation about Design, Interaction, Work and Life” with Marc Rettig: May 25th, 2010, 6:30PM

In the midst of a global conversation about change, many designers are pondering their own impact in the world. How does our experience in software interfaces, web sites, and physical products prepare us to address the profound issues humanity is facing? These issues involve many complex systems, systems too big to fit into the scope of any single company or institution. Design methods are potent at large scale and scope, but what does it take to be effective as a practitioner, as a team, as a company? What is it like to actually achieve a meaningful, sustainable, positive difference in life? In this evening of conversation, Marc Rettig will moderate a few discussions about the fundamentals of design work, and the need for designers everywhere to be working to have impact beyond making money for their employers […]

Design Information Technology Software

Listen to Fred Beecher’s “Integrating Effective Prototyping into Your Design Process” talk at IA Summit 2009

Senior User Experience Consultant Fred Beecher shows his audience how to determine what, for your particular situation, is the most effective way to use prototyping to improve the user experience of your site or software […]

Design Innovation Software Trend Watching

Watch David Merrill’s “Natural Interactions with Digital Content” Seminar on People, Computers, and Design at Stanford University

In this talk, David Merrill gives us an overview of his research on a number of novel platforms for accessing and manipulating digital content. These systems use expressive gesture and visual attention as inputs, explore multi-user interaction, and leverage our understanding of physical materials. I will focus on my most ambitious project and Ph.D. topic, Siftables, a tangible interaction platform that gives physical embodiment to information and digital media items. The system utilizes sensing, graphical display, embedded computation and wireless communication to free interactions with digital content from the desktop environment. Siftables points the way toward a new generation of interactive tools that bend to our needs, rather than bending us to meet their limitations.

Design Innovation Software

Autodesk Ships SketchBook Mobile App for iPhone, iPod Touch

Autodesk announced that Autodesk SketchBook Mobile, a new professional-grade paint and drawing app that offers a full set of sketching tools in a streamlined and intuitive user interface designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod touch, is available on Apple’s App Store […]

Design Information Technology Software

Watch Jacob Burghardt’s “UX Opportunity Mapping for Knowledge Work Applications” presentation

Jacob Burghardt collated a lot of interesting thoughts on interaction design in his e-book Working through Screens, to serve as reference for product teams creating new or iteratively improved applications for thinking work (or what Peter Drucker called knowledge workers). He has been talking about his book and posted a few presentations on the web […]

Design Innovation Software

Watch Camille Moussette’s “Sketching Multimodal and Haptic Interfaces” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’09 Conference

In this presentation, Camille Moussette explores the opportunities and challenges related to developing new multimodal interfaces specifically based on the touch sense. It will present various methods, techniques, tools and processes that interaction designers can use to assess, sketch, create and evaluate dynamic haptic and multimodal interfaces […]

Design Innovation

Watch Marc Rettig’s “How to Change Complicated Stuff” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’09 Conference

In this talk Marc Rettig offers insights into the question “what is it like to actually achieve a meaningful, sustainable, positive difference in life?”, drawing lessons from a number of serious, heartfelt attempts to affect change. The work we have all done in recent decades has prepared us to take on much bigger challenges. The foundations of design remain powerfully effective. That said, there are ways in which “designing for change” requires additions to our inventory of methods, and transformations in the way we plan and conduct our work […]