Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch “The Popularity of Cozy Games” with David Pogue

Correspondent David Pogue explores the increasing popularity of Cozy Games, that fulfils emotional jobs of normalcy, control, and predictability.

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Google gives awards to NGOs that use technology for social impact

The Google presented recently the four Brazilian non-governmental organizations that won the Challenge of Social Impact award to those who submit the best ideas of how to use technology to improve the reality of Brazil […]

Design Inspiration Readings

Watch Seth Godin’s “This is broken” talk at TED

Why are so many things broken? In a hilarious talk from the 2006 Gel conference, Seth Godin gives a tour of things poorly designed, the 7 reasons why they are that way, and how to fix them […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: Over 90% of apps downloaded by Brazilians are free

The paid apps are having a tough life in Brazil: for every ten app downloaded to smartphones in the country, nine (93%) are free, according to the study released by Qualcomm and consultancy Convergência Research. Out of all the Brazilians who have smartphones (estimated in 47.8 million devices), 65% downloaded some application. Firms heard 1400 people, personal interviews and the internet in 2013 […]

Design Readings

Listen to Angel Anderson’s “Why We Share: Communicating Social Engagement” talk at IA Summit 2013

Getting people to share can help you spread a particular message, create a community around a topic, and even drive conversion, but first you have to help clients understand the importance of share-worthy content and design a situation that truly encourages sharing. This session examines the main psychological motivations that drive people to share and provides guidelines for creating inspired sharing frameworks […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Natura’s social media push featured on CNN

Brazil’s biggest cosmetics maker Natura is expanding abroad and developing an innovative sales approach, as CNN’s Shasta Darlington reports […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: São Paulo on top 10 most ‘instagrammed’ cities in 2013

The city of São Paulo was the fifth city in the world in 2013 with more pictures and videos posted on social media network application Instagram, according to a list of cities and popular places disclosed by the application on recently […]

Design Readings

Watch Paul Adams’ “How to Design Social Experiences” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

The web is evolving, orienting around people rather than content. As a result, almost all UX professionals will increasingly need to design social experiences. Designing interactions between people is different from designing user experiences. For example there is often no clear task to design for, no set user goal, and no clear outcome. To complicate […]

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Gaming in Brazil: Women represent 41% of gamers, says survey

Women are playing more video games and now represent 41% of gamers in Brazil, according to a survey released recently by the Center of Studies in Business and Digital Marketing at the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM) […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch Michael Anti’s “Behind the Great Firewall of China” Talk at TED

Michael Anti (aka Jing Zhao) has been blogging from China for 12 years. Despite the control the central government has over the Internet — “All the servers are in Beijing” (also known as “The Great Firewall of China”) — he says that hundreds of millions of microbloggers are in fact creating the first national public sphere in the country’s history, and shifting the balance of power in unexpected ways […]