Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

Living in Germany: fascination with saving money

Germans not only have been saving more than their UK counterparts, but the deep rooted national habit has more implications than those numbers would reveal […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Growth of the Brazilian economy creates 19 millionaires a day, says ‘Forbes’

A report published online by the prestigious journal of the American economy “Forbes” says the Brazilian economy is creating 19 millionaires per day since 2007, thanks to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and consumption rates, it said […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Autodesk Launches 2012 Digital Entertainment Creation Products

Autodesk, inc. announced new releases of the company’s digital entertainment creation software and middleware. The 2012 versions enable iterative workflows, help users manage complexity and provide new creative tools […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Living in China: Property prices causing distress

Six out of 10 Chinese white-collar workers say they are feeling over-fatigued due to work and other pressures, a survey has found […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Rich getting richer, but poor becoming resentful

Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: boost spending to save economy?

The Chinese government is asking its people to spend a little more and save a little less to help get the country through the global economic downturn […]

China Economics Innovation Trend Watching

China, Technology, Innovation and the Environment: Part II

An energy structure with a low utilization rate, and an economic growth mode with serious, hazardous emissions have posed stark challenges for the sustained growth of Chinese economic society. Faced with such a grave situation in energy saving and emission reduction, more than 6,000 science, technology workers, as well as scientist-turned-entrepreneurs on met recently to discuss issues such as energy saving and environmental protection. Among them were more than 100 members from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the highest palaces for scientific research achievements and engineering progress […]