Design Innovation Readings

What the creative collaboration on the music of Cowboy Bebop can teach us about Agile Practices

In this post I talk about what the collaboration between the producers of Cowboy Bebop and Japanese composer Yoko Kanno for creating the music of show can teach us about Agile Practices.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategic Collaboration in Distributed or Remote Environments

In this post, I’ll talk about some strategies to help improve strategic collaboration while working in Distributed, Remote or Global Teams.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Problem Framing for Strategic Design

Let’s talk about problem framing techniques that can help you get team alignment by creating clarity of what problems they are trying to solve.

Design Strategy Design Thinking Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy and Facilitating Good Decisions

In this post we talk about how designers and strategists can respond, prod, encourage, guide, coach and teach as they guide individuals and groups to make good decisions that are critical in the business.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Facilitation and Art of Asking Questions

In this post, we will deep dive on art of asking questions to ensure teams are making good decisions and paddling on the same direction […]

Design Economics Innovation

Watch Rebecca Henderson’s “Getting Unstuck: How to Promote More Sustainable Practices in Our Organizations” talk at MIT Sloan School of Management

All that’s required to achieve sustainability, says Rebecca Henderson, is to clean up your current operations and/or rethink the business. “That’s easy,” she says — with a smile. Henderson has spent much of her career trying to help firms embrace and survive such transformations. She and her colleagues have analyzed why businesses get stuck in their ways, and how they can break free to act boldly around the challenge and opportunity of sustainability […]