Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Demonstrating Expertise and Credibility for Thought Leadership

Become a thought leader in design and strategy by demonstrating expertise and staying up-to-date on industry trends to provide valuable insights and make a lasting impact.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Presentation and Storytelling Skills for Strategy Development and Stakeholder Engagement

To drive user experience vision forward, strategists need to effectively communicate their strategies with good presentation and storytelling skills.

Inspiration Readings

Watch “Leading with Empathy” with Andy Stanley

In times of uncertainty and disruption, the people around us need to know we care. How do we lead with empathy and compassion?

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Project Management, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Learn some Conflict Resolution techniques to channel the energy of conflict into constructive disagreement and open exchange of ideas.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategy, Feedback and Design Reviews

Influencing larger decisions that shape strategy starts with facilitating the smallest decisions, including how to incorporate feedback into designs.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Teamwork and Psychological Safety

In this post, I’ll talk about how psychological safety is a prerequisite for creating shared understanding.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Problem Framing for Strategic Design

Let’s talk about problem framing techniques that can help you get team alignment by creating clarity of what problems they are trying to solve.

Design Strategy Design Thinking Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy and Stakeholder Management

Let’s talk about Stakeholder Management skills that help you identify people, groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by projects.