Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: 70% of population is connected

According to ICT Households survey, 126.9 million people used the Internet in Brazil regularly in 2018. Half of the rural population and classes D and E now have access to the internet.

Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access through TV is already higher than for Tablets

The survey found an increase in the number of households with Internet access, which increased from 63.6% in 2016 to 70.5% in 2017. Television was used for network connections in 10.6% of households.

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: 11.5% of households access the Internet only by phone or tablet

Out of the online homes, 88% used the computer to access the network; 53.6% used mobile phones; and 17.2%, tablets. According to IBGE, 7.1 million homes have tablets and 5.4 million of them were used to get on the internet in 2013 […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access on mobile devices doubles in 2 years

The number of Brazilians who access the internet on the small screen of the cell reached 52.5 million people, according to the ICT Households survey: this means that 31% of Brazilians ages 10 or older connect through the mobile device, double what it was two years ago. In 2011, there were only 15%.

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: customers are more willing to switch mobile provider

Nokia survey mapped consumption behaviors in 11 countries. ‘Habits of Brazilian customers are becoming similar to the European and American customers’, says executive […]

Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: IDB report warns about digital divide

Infrastructure problems and lack of familiarity of the users make Brazil a country that goes ‘two-speed’ internet, according to data presented recently by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: 4G offer grows, but price remains high

Model offering of smartphones with mobile Internet fourth generation 4G more than doubled in the last six months in Brazil, but the high price and network challenges still limit the broadening of the user base of this technology […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: São Paulo on top 10 most ‘instagrammed’ cities in 2013

The city of São Paulo was the fifth city in the world in 2013 with more pictures and videos posted on social media network application Instagram, according to a list of cities and popular places disclosed by the application on recently […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: banking transactions on smartphones grow more than four times in 2012

Banking transactions via smartphone grew 333% in 2012, according to the 2013 edition of Banking Technology Research, released recently by the Brazilian Federation of Banks Febraban. Mobile banking is the fastest growing channel in the year […]

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: Government reduces taxes on smartphones

A decree signed by President Dilma Rousseff and published on Tuesday (9) reduces to zero the PIS and COFINS on the sale of so-called smartphones, cell phones with internet access, costing up to R$ 1,500 (around US $ 760.00) and are produced in Brazil. Together, the two taxes had a rate of 9.25% […]