Information Technology Innovation

Watch Dyana Cunningham and Alexa Mills’ “Technologies Changing Communities, Communities Innovating Technology” talk at MIT Sloan School of Management

Dayna Cunningham and Alexa Mills are developing methodologies for enabling communities to express and define themselves, so they may become more engaged in a larger civic and political process […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Watch Thomas Friedman’s “The World is Flat” talk at MIT Sloan School of Management

In “Globalization 3.0,” Friedman contends, people from far-flung places will become principal players in the marketplace […]

Design Economics Innovation

Watch Rebecca Henderson’s “Getting Unstuck: How to Promote More Sustainable Practices in Our Organizations” talk at MIT Sloan School of Management

All that’s required to achieve sustainability, says Rebecca Henderson, is to clean up your current operations and/or rethink the business. “That’s easy,” she says — with a smile. Henderson has spent much of her career trying to help firms embrace and survive such transformations. She and her colleagues have analyzed why businesses get stuck in their ways, and how they can break free to act boldly around the challenge and opportunity of sustainability […]

Design Innovation Inspiration

Watch Tim Brown’s “Innovation Through Design Thinking” talk at MIT Sloan School of Management

Not so long ago, Tim Brown recounts, designers belonged to a “priesthood.” Given an assignment, a designer would disappear into a back room, “bring the result out under a black sheet and present it to the client.” Brown and his colleagues at IDEO, the company that brought us the first Apple Macintosh mouse, couldn’t have traveled farther from this notion […]