Design Readings Software

Watch “Mind the gap: User Centered Design in Large Organizations” with Luke Wroblewski

Learn to deliver user-centered online experiences by aligning business goals with user needs.

Design Readings Software

Watch Luke Wroblewski’s “Screen Time”

Screen time used to mean sitting in front of a TV. Today we move between screens of various sizes, proportions, and quality all day. The abundance and diversity of devices can overwhelm teams delivering software. We need practical ways to tackle the problems that come with this diversity of screens. Luke explores a deeper understanding […]

Design Innovation

Watch Luke Wroblewski’s “Infinite Inputs” talk

Today, the kinds of input our computing devices support keeps growing: touch, voice, device motion, and much more. Each additional input type offers new possibilities for interaction that requires our interface designs to adapt. When will this deluge of new input types end so don’t have to keep re-designing our software? Luke Wroblewski’s — speaking at dConstruct 2013: — claims it won’t. Not until everything is input […]

Design Information Technology Trend Watching

Listen to Luke Wroblewski’s “Impact of Social Models” talk at IDEA 2009

As Richard Farson’s truism “no one smokes in church no matter how addicted” points out, context informs almost everything that happens in an environment. Online social experiences are no exception. How a product’s social model is set up can impact not only who contributes, but how much, and why. From permission-based subscriptions to one-click follows, Luke will discuss the attributes and implications of several popular social models by looking at data and behavior in the Web’s most popular social applications […]