Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Rethinking Innovation for Product Designers with “Jobs to Be Done”

I interviewed Jim Kalbach during SAP’s UX Immersive Week. We discussed how to approach bottom-up innovation – and how AI can support with Jobs to be Done (JTBD).

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Crafting Customer-Centric Roadmaps: A Jobs-to-be-Done Approach to Roadmap Planning and Better Backlog Grooming

Learn how using JTBD injects user-centricity into every roadmap planning and backlog grooming activity, allowing you to prioritize effectively and craft impactful product experiences.

Design Readings Software

Watch Mint Mobile’s Ad created with ChatGPT

Brand owner Ryan Reynolds called the script created by the AI-powered text engine ‘eerie,’ and ‘mildly terrifying’

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Facilitation and Visual Thinking

In this post, I’ll talk about some of the visual thinking techniques that can be drawn from design thinking, data analytics, system thinking, game storming, and lean start-up.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops User Experience

Becoming a Design Strategist

Let’s raise awareness about how unprepared designers are to understand and influence strategy, advocate for a new role called Design Strategist, and propose a minimum set of skills required for becoming a Design Strategist.


Watch “Putting Jobs-To-Be-Done to Work” with Jim Kalbach

Although the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework provides a rich theory for understanding customers, there is little practical guidance on how to use the approach. In this talk at IxDA’s ISA16, Jim Kalbach highlights concrete ways to apply the Jobs-To-Be-Done in your work.

Design Innovation Readings

Watch Jim Kalbach’s “Designing for Adoption” talk

The ultimate goal of innovation is user adoption: we want people to actually use the things we create in a way that impacts their lives. But building the better mouse trap guarantees nothing. In fact, history shows it’s not the whiz-bang of technology but rather human factors that matter in the end. In this talk, Jim will look at some specific design-related considerations in successful innovation […]