Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Chrome becomes the most popular browser in Brazil, says research

Google Chrome surpassed Internet Explorer and became the most popular browser in Brazil, according to the company StatCounter. The browser Google has reached 39.81% of market share in Brazil, against 34.43% of the Microsoft browser […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: Number of Chinese Internet Users reaches 457 million

An increase of 73.3 million compared with 2009, the number of Chinese netizens hit 457 million by the end of 2010, according to the “27th China Internet Development Statistics Report” recently released by the China National Network Information Center.

Design Innovation Readings

Watch Tim Wood’s “Lo-fi: Sketchbook Techniques for Interaction Designers” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’10 Conference

Tim Wood reviews practical drawing and sketchbook techniques that can serve as a cornerstone to the interaction design process. The concept of ‘drawing as problem solving’ will be introduced through case studies and real-world interaction design that demonstrate the efficiencies to be gained through the use of these techniques […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: Internet population hit 384 million in 2009

China’s population of Internet users jumped by nearly a third to 384 million at the end of 2009, an official report showed recently, just a few days after Google threatened to retreat from the expanding market […]


Daniel Burka’s “Design Lessons Learned in the Trenches” workshop at the Future of Web Apps 2009

Design lessons learned in the trenches is a (semi-organized) brain dump of current design challenges, presented by Daniel Burka at the Future of Web Apps 2009 in Miami […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

“User Interface Design in an Agile Environment”: Jeff White and Jim Unger’s talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘08 Conference

In their talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘08 Conference, they describe their experience with the merger of user centered design into agile (team) development practice as manifest in a one day design studio […]