Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: more smartphones than France and Germany, says study

Brazil has 27 million users of these, 42% access the web daily. Of those accessing the web, 80% access social networks on their device […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: mobile broadband has almost doubled in 2011

The mobile broadband service in Brazil almost doubled between 2010 and 2011, from 20.6 million to 41.1 million hits […]

Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Active Internet users grew 14% year-on-year

The number of active Internet users in Brazil in September 2011 was 46,300,000, an increase of 14% over the same month last year. With the new number, Brazil beats Germany, France and the UK in number of active users at home or at work. The Brazil ranks third in the list of countries that monitor the internet using the same methodology […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Readings Software Trend Watching

Gaming in China: online game revenues to reach $11 billion by 2012

According to a report recently published by research firm Analysys, revenues from China’s online gaming industry will reach 73.1 billion yuan ($10.7 billion) within two years […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: scale ranks first worldwide, reaching 360 million users

As the end of November, 2009, the number of Internet users in China had reached 360 million, an increase of 20.8 percent on last year. The figure marks China as having the most extensive Internet in terms of scale in the world […]

China Information Technology

Internet in China: Obama says “Internet assists free flow of information”

During his visit to China, U.S. President Barrack Obama said in Shanghai that Internet has an enormous power in assisting information dissemination, and he personally has benefited from Internet […]

China Information Technology

Internet in China: Baidu eyes 3G wireless Internet technology

China’s most popular Internet search engine Baidu thinks highly of the prospect of 3G wireless Internet access technology and is now in talk with China’s mobile network operators for cooperation, the company’s CEO Robin Li said recently at the Boao Forum for Asia in the southern island province of Hainan […]

Design Economics Software

Ideate supports Autodesk program for displaced workers

Ideate has announced it will participate in the Autodesk Assistance Program for displaced workers, providing education, support and tools to its customers. Today’s economic challenges have impacted Ideate, Inc.’s customers significantly and the Autodesk Assistance Program will help people to enhance, maintain and improve their 3D design technology skills to remain competitive in the marketplace […]

Design Software

Autodesk Assistance Program for Unemployed Designers, Engineers, and Architects in All Industries

Autodesk has announced the Autodesk Assistance Program which will offer free student software term licenses, free online training, reduced cost classroom training, and a path to certification for unemployed designers, engineers, and architects in all industries […]


Chinese People and Their Mobile Phones: Over 117 Million Mobile Internet Users in China

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) recently released two reports on China’s mobile Internet, according to the reports, by the end of 2008, there were already over 640 million mobile phone users in China, and the number of users who access the Internet via mobile phone already exceeded 117.6 million, according to the Research Report on Behavior of Internet Access via Mobile Phone released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on February 18 in Beijing…