China Economics

Intellectual Property: Canada joins China, Russia in US list of top IP scofflaws

The usual suspects have shown up once again on the US Trade Representative’s annual Special 301 report on nations that need to step up their game when it comes to enforcing intellectual property rights. But this year, the USTR elevated Canada to the same level as China and Russia, which has some critics incredulous towards the US’ motives […]

China Economics

Intellectual Property: U.S. claims victory in WTO complaint on China piracy, China vows copyright cooperation

The United States claimed victory recently in a groundbreaking World Trade Organization case against China for failing to protect and enforce copyrights and trademarks on a wide range of goods. ‘Today, a WTO panel found that a number of deficiencies in China’s IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) regime are incompatible with its WTO obligations,’ acting U.S. Trade Representative Peter Allgeier said in a statement. The International Intellectual Property Alliance, a coalition of U.S. music, movie, book and software industry groups, conservatively estimates that piracy in China costs them more than $3.7 billion in lost sales. The WTO ruling means China and other nations ‘can’t simply go through the motions’ of protecting intellectual property, but must provide effective results, Neil Turkewitiz, an executive vice president at the Recording Industry Association of America, said in a statement…