Design Readings

Watch Josh Cothran’s “Personas made Personal” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

This talk will provide an overview of the Meyers-Briggs, highlight research and thought leadership relating personality types to technology usage, examine controversies and limitations of the Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and share ways to use personality types to support and communicate design, including a brief case study […]

Design Readings

Watch Cindy Chastain’s “the UX Professional as Business Consultant” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA

We talk a lot about cross-channel experiences and how to address these new challenges as designers, but what about using our design skills, our hard won knowledge and empathy for customers to help companies decide what products and services will help grow their business? While companies are coming round to the value of customer experience, […]

Design Readings

Watch Jan Moorman’s “Measuring User Delight using the Kano Methodology” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

Attendees will learn why and how this methodology can be harnessed in design strategy decisions. The Kano methodology was initially adopted by operations researchers, who added statistical rigor to the question pair results analysis. Product managers have leveraged aspects of the Kano approach in Quality Function Deployment (QFD). More recently, this methodology has been used by Agile teams and in market research […]

Design Readings

Watch Paul Adams’ “How to Design Social Experiences” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

The web is evolving, orienting around people rather than content. As a result, almost all UX professionals will increasingly need to design social experiences. Designing interactions between people is different from designing user experiences. For example there is often no clear task to design for, no set user goal, and no clear outcome. To complicate […]

Design Readings

Watch Davide Casali’s “Social Experience Design” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

This talk will show a hands-on social experience design method to deal with this complexity and achieve the change projects need, plus some supporting use-cases supporting them […]

Design Readings

Watch Josh Seiden’s “A Designers Introduction to Lean Startup” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Josh Seiden introduce you to the key ideas of Lean Startup, talk about the amazing opportunities for designers this movement presents, and share case studies of how he and his partners have used the techniques of Lean Startup as the foundation of their design studio […]

Design Readings

Watch Jer Thorp’s “Data & Human Experience” keynote at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Jer Thorp discusses the intersection between data and human experience. He’ll go into detail a number of projects involving diverse data sets, including the 770,000 words in the Shakespeare Folio, astronomical measurements from NASA, text from nightly news broadcasts, and real-time air traffic reports […]

Design Readings

Watch Nate Archer’s “Beyond Responsive” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

The rise of mobile has forced everyone dealing with web experiences to think beyond the desktop format. But, if we have learned anything from the recent push to mobile, we need to anticipate the future sooner rather than later; not only the next wave of formats, but everything after that […]

Design Readings

Watch Jason Ulaszek & Brian Winters’ “From Design Research to Experience Roadmap” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

Design research is critical. Creating foundational, living documentation about the needs, beliefs and behaviors of your customer is of the utmost importance. And, being able to identify needs, opportunities and the future direction for the business, based on both sound process and analytical thought, will be your keys to short and long-term success. In this session you’ll learn how to turn design research activities into a mental model, identify potential new business opportunities and derive business and experience direction from your newly found consumer insight. And, you’ll look like a freakin’ rockstar in your company doing it […]