Consumer Behavior Design Trend Watching

Watch “The Future of Experience Design” with Brian Solis

Brian Solis explores the need for human-centered experiences and aims to help executives shift mindsets toward the future.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategy and the Importance of Vision

Let’s talk about the importance of vision for creating shared understanding around why are we bringing a product to market in the first place.


Watch “Everything is Someone” with Simone Rebaudengo

So how do we design for a world in which the distinction between user and object, between people and things is getting more and more blurred (or “everything is someone”)? What new interactions and ‘companion species’ could we imagine once we go beyond anthropomorphic metaphors and point of views?

Design Readings

Watch “Seeing the New Normal: From futures visions to business decisions” with Jutta Johansson & Virpi Vaittinen 

The world is changing rapidly – how to stay ahead in this changing and unstable environment? How do we see the everyday of tomorrow? How do we translate futures visions to business decisions?


Watch “Embracing complexity” with Sami Niemelä

The craft of interaction design is entering a new golden age where we instead of pixels look into things such into futures, strategy, organisations and capability development. This new age requires new tools and approaches, and paradoxically, letting go and embracing complexity.


Watch “Catch Up to Agentive Tech” with Christopher Noessel

Christopher Noessel provides both a conceptual grounding and practical advice to unlock agentive tech massive potential […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Listen to Alvin Toffler’s “Possibilities, Not Predictions” interview for NPR

Alvin Toffler’s talks about the 40th anniversary of the book “Future Shock”, the effect of rapid change holds insights into the present, and how we prefer to talk about the future in terms of Possibilities, Not Predictions […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Listen to Ray Kurzweil’s “Will We Recognize the Future?” talk at NPR’s Talk of the Nation

Technology is ever-changing — and changing ever faster. But what happens when the rate of technological change becomes so fast that the fundamental nature of what it means to be human changes, too?

China Design Economics Readings Trend Watching

Shanghai World Expo: JAPAN PAVILION

The Japan Pavilion is a semi-circular structure, covered by a purple membrane material. Several antennae and caves make the pavilion a “breathing organism,” which will express the harmony between the human heart and technology. The pavilion has been dubbed “Purple Silkworm Island” by Chinese people […]

Information Technology Innovation Software

Bill Joy’s “What I’m worried about, what I’m excited about” talk at TED

Technologist and futurist Bill Joy talks about several big worries for humanity — and several big hopes in the fields of health, education and future tech […]