Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch “The Future of Work and AI” on ByDesign TV

Learn how SAP uses Machine Learning to help individuals find and pursue internal opportunities that match their interests and values while meeting the company’s needs.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Listen to my chat with Thomas Girard

In this episode of the UniqueWays podcast, I talked to Thomas Girard about how collaboration is more about mindset than with physical colocation.

Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Listen to “The Future World of Work” chat with Jason Averbook

Listen Jason Averbrook — CEO of Leapgen — talk about what the “The Future of Work” truly will look like, needs to look like and what the implications are for HR, organisations and individuals.

Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch “How AI can save our humanity”

In a visionary talk, computer scientist Kai-Fu Lee explains how AI can save our humanity, details how the US and China are driving a deep learning revolution, and shares a blueprint for how humans can thrive in the age of AI by harnessing compassion and creativity.