Design Inspiration Readings

Watch Seth Godin’s “This is broken” talk at TED

Why are so many things broken? In a hilarious talk from the 2006 Gel conference, Seth Godin gives a tour of things poorly designed, the 7 reasons why they are that way, and how to fix them […]

Design Readings

Watch Steve Baty’s “A Model of Behavioural Design” talk at Interaction’14 | IxDA Conference

This talk will outline the key inputs in a model of Behavioural Design and how those inputs help designers to directly target specific behaviours. It will look at the role of interaction design, behavioural psychology, systems thinking and other tools. And it will propose that a model of design with behaviour as its focus offers a coherent and complete approach to design in a way that is consistent with the goals of client organizations […]

Readings Software

Information Technology in Brazil: Startup joins group run by the UN and Bill Clinton

The startup PagPop –creator of a system that allows Hairdressers, hot dog vendors and other small entrepreneurs to receive payments by credit card on smartphones — has joined the Business Call to Action, a group of companies that develop business models focused on solving Millennium goals […]

Design Readings

Watch Josh Seiden’s “A Designers Introduction to Lean Startup” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Josh Seiden introduce you to the key ideas of Lean Startup, talk about the amazing opportunities for designers this movement presents, and share case studies of how he and his partners have used the techniques of Lean Startup as the foundation of their design studio […]

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: middle class in slums rises from 33% to 65% in 10 years

According to one of those responsible for research, Renato Meirelles, president of Data Popular, a research institute that has existed for 12 years focused in classes C and D, 94% of residents of Brazilian slums say they are happy, nearly the same level of Brazilians in general, which is 95% […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Information Technology in Brazil: app to reports urban problems is voted best in the world

Colab, a Brazilian application that helps report urban problems, was elected on world’s best by the New Cities Foundation at an event in Sao Paulo. Other finalists included traffic BuzzJourney (Israel) and PublicStuff (United States). These apps participated prize App My City, urban award for best application in the world (those of us trying to unlock the big cities). Colab received $ 5000 in cash […]

Design Readings

Watch Jason Ulaszek & Brian Winters’ “From Design Research to Experience Roadmap” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

Design research is critical. Creating foundational, living documentation about the needs, beliefs and behaviors of your customer is of the utmost importance. And, being able to identify needs, opportunities and the future direction for the business, based on both sound process and analytical thought, will be your keys to short and long-term success. In this session you’ll learn how to turn design research activities into a mental model, identify potential new business opportunities and derive business and experience direction from your newly found consumer insight. And, you’ll look like a freakin’ rockstar in your company doing it […]

Design Readings

Watch Frederick van Amstel’s “Vernacular Interaction Design” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Interaction Design is a young field dedicated to how people interact with technology, but people used to interact without technology way long before it. Kid’s street games are one example of what we call Vernacular Interaction Design. Those games have interaction structures that were designed by players themselves across many generations, accumulating a history of successive adaptations for local cultures […]

Design Readings

Watch Andrew Hinton’s “Users Don’t Have Goals” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Much of user-experience design borrows from methods that assume users have discrete & identifiable goals. However, this assumption can seriously inhibit designing for real human behavior, which (as we will see) often has less to do with rationality than we tend to think […]