Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Planning and Project Management

There are some Project Management skills that will prove invaluable for the effectiveness of design strategists.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Strategy and Testing Business Ideas

Testing Business Ideas thoroughly, regardless of how great they may seem in theory, is a way to mitigate the risks of your viability hypothesis being wrong.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Teamwork and Psychological Safety

In this post, I’ll talk about how psychological safety is a prerequisite for creating shared understanding.

Design Strategy Design Thinking Project Management Talks & Workshops

“What’s the Problem We’re Trying to Solve?” talk at UX India 2021

We’ll discuss Problem Framing and Reframing at UX India 2021, with tips for team alignment.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Pivot and Risk Mitigation

In this post, I’ll talk about how can we facilitate pivot and risk mitigation discussions while pursuing ideas and/or approaches, what methods, tools or techniques are available for pivot and risk mitigation, and what signals we need capture in order to know if we should Persevere, Pivot or Stop.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Facilitating Investment Discussions in Strategy

Let’s talk about how to help teams with facilitating investment discussions by finding ways to reduce subjectivity when debating the value ideas.

Design Readings Software

Watch “Creating Value and Flow in Product Development” with John Cutler

In this 7-minute video, John explains why limiting work in progress can increase flow and value in product development.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategic Collaboration in Distributed or Remote Environments

In this post, I’ll talk about some strategies to help improve strategic collaboration while working in Distributed, Remote or Global Teams.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Problem Framing for Strategic Design

Let’s talk about problem framing techniques that can help you get team alignment by creating clarity of what problems they are trying to solve.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Strategy and Thought Leadership

In this post, I argue why Thought Leadership is a critical skill for designers to become good strategists who are better prepared to influence business decisions.