Economics Trend Watching

Economy in Brazil: Lula elected President

Brazilians voted out their far-right leader, Jair Bolsonaro, after a single term and replaced him with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.


Watch Tomer Sharon’s “Perfectly Executing the Wrong Plan” Talk

In his talk at Google I/O 2014, Tomer Sharon inspires developers to implement valid and reliable ways to answer their most burning questions. It’ll help them validate or invalidate their assumptions on their own—cheaply, and quickly, by using simple user research techniques with a main goal in mind: developing apps people need, want, and enjoy […]

Economics Trend Watching

Infrastructure in Brazil: falling 20 positions in logistics ranking

Brazil fell twenty positions in the world ranking logistics of the World Bank (Bird), which measures the efficiency of transport systems in 160 countries. Brazil occupied the 65th place in the ranking. This is the worst placement since the ranking was released in 2007.

Design Innovation Readings

Watch Mike Kuniavsky’s “How designers will reinvent manufacturing” talk

Consumption directly drives production, and data informs design. If we weren’t talking about physical products, this would sound a lot like Web/app interaction design, but the worlds of making atoms and bits are quickly colliding, and the implications are profound. By mapping what we have learned creating analytics-driven digital design to the physical world, we can change how everything is made, for the better […]

Design Readings

Watch Tomer Sharon’s “Don’t Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience” talk

The Experience Sampling Method is a simple research technique for uncovering user needs. In a typical Experience Sampling method, research participants are interrupted several times a day to note their experience in real time. In his talk during The LeanUX Conference, researcher Tomer Sharon demonstrates the method, describe how it has been applied at Google Search, and provide a short, practical how-to guide […]

Economics Trend Watching

Economy in Brazil: 1.84 million of new businesses in 2013

1,840,187 new businesses were opened in Brazil in 2013, according to a survey released on Friday (31) by SERASA. It was 8.8% higher than the number recorded in 2012, when 1,690,760 new businesses have opened in the country […]

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Number of gyms rises more than 3 times in 6 years

The number of gyms more than tripled in the last six years in the country by 2012, according to the Brazilian Association of Academies (Acad), jumping from 7000 units in 2006 to 22,000 in 2012 […]

Readings Software

Information Technology in Brazil: Startup joins group run by the UN and Bill Clinton

The startup PagPop –creator of a system that allows Hairdressers, hot dog vendors and other small entrepreneurs to receive payments by credit card on smartphones — has joined the Business Call to Action, a group of companies that develop business models focused on solving Millennium goals […]

Design Readings

Watch Josh Seiden’s “A Designers Introduction to Lean Startup” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Josh Seiden introduce you to the key ideas of Lean Startup, talk about the amazing opportunities for designers this movement presents, and share case studies of how he and his partners have used the techniques of Lean Startup as the foundation of their design studio […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Information Technology in Brazil: Government announces the 56 startups selected for Acceleration Program

The Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation MCTI announced recently a list of 56 startups selected for the first edition of the program to encourage companies to emerging technology, the Start-up Brazil […]