China Trend Watching

Education in China: Textbooks come with obsolete cassettes

Parents often complain that it’s difficult to use the outdated tapes since many no longer have cassette players […]

China Trend Watching

Education in China: 43 percent of Shanghai students consider studying overseas

More than 40 percent of the students in key, city-level high schools in Shanghai are considering studying overseas as undergraduates, according to a survey released recently by the Shanghai Education Commission […]

China Design Innovation Readings Software Trend Watching

Brazil leads the way to a new generation of designers in China

Bruno Porto, Sarah Stutz, and I recently spoke to Claudia Trevisan from Estadão about the status of Design Education in China (in Portuguese). Check some of the highlights […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Fewer high school grads fight for university place

A smaller number of students will take the national college entrance examination in 2011 than did in past years, according to a report released by a website run by the Chinese Ministry of Education […]

China Trend Watching

Education in China: universities asked to include romance in courses

Can romance be taught? Is falling in love so important that it has to be included in courses in universities?

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: well-educated labor force by 2015

China will work to ensure those entering its labor force receive an average of 13.3 years of education by 2015 […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Overseas education no longer paying off

Graduates who invested in an overseas education are having to lower their salary expectations once they return home to Shanghai […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Survey reveals universities turning out billionaires

Shanghai’s universities rank second in the country behind Beijing as cradles of billionaires and business tycoons […]

China Economics Innovation Trend Watching

Education in China: Shanghai-funded graduate start-ups fail to deliver

Almost 60 percent of Shanghai-funded start-ups by graduates from a top university have failed or are suffering losses, according to a report issued recently […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Shanghai teenagers are world’s smartest?

Chinese parents and education experts have shrugged off a report from an international organization saying Shanghai students the best education in the world […]