China Economics Information Technology Innovation Readings Trend Watching

China, Technology & Innovation: New research projects keep Shanghai district in front with science

Scientific research projects on sodium sulfur batteries, electric cars and high power lasers have been kicked off in Shanghai’s Jiading District: regarded as a “Science and Technology Satellite City” in Shanghai, the district has become a cluster area for scientific research institutes […]

China Trend Watching

Education in China: Ghostwriting hits frightening levels at universities

Many university students under pressure are turning to the Internet for help – not for research, but to find someone to write their reports for them […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Chinese students studying abroad exceed 1.39 million

From 1978 to the end of last year, the total number of Chinese students studying abroad reached 1.3915 million. Zhang Xiuqin, Director General for the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange under the Chinese Ministry of Education, said that since reform and opening-up (1978) to the end of 2008, nearly 390,000 students returned to China after their studies abroad […]

China Economics Innovation Trend Watching

China, Technology, Innovation and the Environment: Part II

An energy structure with a low utilization rate, and an economic growth mode with serious, hazardous emissions have posed stark challenges for the sustained growth of Chinese economic society. Faced with such a grave situation in energy saving and emission reduction, more than 6,000 science, technology workers, as well as scientist-turned-entrepreneurs on met recently to discuss issues such as energy saving and environmental protection. Among them were more than 100 members from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the highest palaces for scientific research achievements and engineering progress […]