Economics Trend Watching

Economy in Brazil: becoming the world’s 5th largest economy by 2023

Brazil is expected to become the world’s fifth largest economy by 2023, behind only the U.S., China, Japan and India, according to projections by the Center for Economic and Business Research (CEBR, its acronym in English) […]

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Crisis boosts advancement of aviation

Brazil is experiencing one of its best moments in the aviation industry, and today the country with the second largest fleet of jets, behind only the United States and the third most produced aircraft of this type. Ahead of Embraer (a Brazilian local manufacturer), are only the American Cessna and Canadian Bombardier. The good performance is due in large part to the international crisis started in 2008, which created a favorable environment for the purchase of these aircraft in other countries, and the growth of emerging […]

Economics Trend Watching

Doing Business in Brazil: Official guide advises Britons on Brazilian Culture

The recommendations and observations such as avoid talking about Poverty and Argentina come from the UK Trade and Investment Agency (UKTI) and were included in an official guide published to help British entrepreneurs who is planning on doing business in Brazil […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: Overseas education no longer paying off

Graduates who invested in an overseas education are having to lower their salary expectations once they return home to Shanghai […]

China Economics Innovation Trend Watching

Watch Martin Jacques’ “Understanding the rise of China” talk at TED

Speaking at a TED Salon in London, economist Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? He examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding what China is and will become […]

China Design Economics Trend Watching

Shanghai World Expo: UK Pavilion

U.K. Pavilion is designed to highlight the country’s long history of bringing nature into its cities. The theme, “Building on the Past, Shaping our Future,” together with the innovative design, is meant to challenge Chinese perceptions of Great Britain as traditional and stuffy […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: China’s richest people are getting even richer

The average wealth of the Chinese mainland’s top 1,000 richest people jumped 26 percent to US$722 million this year from a year earlier despite the sluggish stock market and the tightening measures meant to cool the sizzling economy, according to the latest Hurun Rich List […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: the world’s biggest automobile maker and market

In 2009, driven by the stimulus package for auto consumption by Chinese government, China’s auto sales increased by 18 percent and China became the world’s largest auto producer with the world’s largest auto market […]