The number of gyms more than tripled in the last six years in the country by 2012, according to the Brazilian Association of Academies (Acad), jumping from 7000 units in 2006 to 22,000 in 2012. And nearly all of the companies in the sector are micro and small, pointing parallel survey in the same period by the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE).
The data shows that there were 7500 micro and small companies in the business in 2006, and that number jumped to 21,700 in 2012 (the numbers vary slightly because the data Sebrae take into account all the records in the database of the Internal Revenue Service). Both Acad as Sebrae not have the numbers 2013.
“Besides the search for a better quality of life, increased income has strongly influenced this evolution,” says the chairman of Sebrae, Luiz Barretto.
The number of students in academies has almost doubled in the period, from 3.5 million in 2006 to 6.7 million in 2012. The data from Acad also indicates that the sector revenue grew from from R $ 763 million (about 300 million US dollars) in 2006 to R$ 2.3 billion (almost 1 billion US Dollars) in 2012.
“Today we have a strong internal market with over 100 million consumers and 40 million of them belong to the new middle class. Brazilian Class C and D are better able to be able to acquire goods and services than in the past decades,” says Barreto.
via G1 – Number of academies in the country rises more than 3 times in 6 years – news in SMEs.