The elderly Brazilians who have phones form a group which represents almost 10% of people who use the device, according to data processed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ( IBGE ), released recently.
The information contained in the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) for 2012. Year, individuals over 60 who had a cell phone for personal use totaled 12.1 million people, or 9.8% of the total.
According to the IBGE, 122.6 million Brazilians had a cell phone in the year, an increase of 6.3% on the number of people registered 115.4 million in 2011.
The participation of the elderly among mobile phone owners was the largest increase from one year to the other, an increase of 0.92 percentage point. This occurred while shrunk the weight of individuals aged 20-49 years in the volume of people who owned a mobile device.
Southeast (10.48%) and South (11.3%), the battalion of people who own a cell phone older than 60 years are already more than a tenth of the total. These groups are composed of 7.5 million and 2.6 million people respectively.
With 938,000 elderly mobile phone owners, ie 9.15% of the total, the Midwest is slightly below the national average. More distant are the Northeast, where the elderly are 8.98% of the total, and North, which reach 7.2%.
There are already more cell phone than fixed ones to interconnection rates, which increase the connections outside the network operators. This favors a single user to hire more than one line, from different carriers.
This logic stimulates the prepaid mode, which had 211.5 million lines in July this year, the latest data available – 79.2% of the total. Already postpaid lines totaling 20.7% of the total, with 55.5 million lines. Considering only people who owned a mobile phone, according to the IBGE, the number of lines by Brazilians was 2.17.